Giulia Palladini
Present and future
This page may give you a sense of what I am currently up to: what I have been writing recently, the events I have been or I will be speaking at, my current projects.

8/9 November 2024: Domestic exercises: sull’essere ospiti, (curatorial project for Villa Romana, Florence) With Liryc Dela Cruz and Tara Fatehi Irani
Dramaturgical collaboration in Sara Leghissa’s performance Dimmi come va a finire based on Valeria Luiselli’s book presented in Tijuana, in the frame of the Pasajes festival, October 19, 2024
in Pescara, Spazio Matta /Stills of Peace, July 20, 2024.

July 6 - September 18: Rumbos de vida (project curated with Rodolfo Suárez Molnar) Cisterne di Palazzo d’Aquaviva, Atri, Italia: in the frame of Stills of Peace Ed. XI, Italia e Messico

A crowded room, By the Means at Hand (edited by Vlatka Horvat, Antonia Majaca, and Kate Sutton), Croatian Pavillion at the 60th international art exhibition la Biennale di Venezia

July 2024: Translation in Portuguese (by Denise Pereira Rachel and Diego Marques) of the text ‘On coexisting, mending and imagining: notes on the domestics of performance’, in the journal Urdimento
Giulia Palladini and Valeria Graziano, We in the plural. Performance gestures of antifascism, in What Can Theatre Do, edited by Silvia Bottiroli and Miguel Melgares, Venice: Bruno, 2024, pp. 73-96.
30 May 2024: La intimidad es el lugar, conversación con Juan Domínguez, Madrid, La Casa Encendida

Giulia Palladini and Agnes Brekke, A Text is a Pure Image. Correspondence Around Mapa Teatro, Contemporary Theatre Review,
Volume 33, 2023

Las artes vivas como antidoto. Entrevista con Giulia Palladini, CCD Radio

February-March 2024: Antidotos. Encuentros para pensar las artes vivas en el paisaje político Ciudad de México