Giulia Palladini
Presente e futuro
Questa sessione può darvi un'idea di quello a cui mi sto dedicando negli ultimi tempi: ciò che ho scritto di recente, i luoghi in cui sono ho presentato o presenterò il mio lavoro, i miei progetti in corso.
Presente e futuro/ Eventi
10 November 2023: Lecture in Coloquio Ecosistemas en la Danza. Tránsitos y narrativas en movimiento, Encuentro Nacional de Danza (ENDMéxico 2023), Puebla, Mx.
27 October 2023: Lecture ‘Per un domestico indomito’, Villa Romana, Firenze, Italy.
29 September 2023: Lecture The Slow Hurry of Figuration [La prisa calma de la figuración] Cátedra Teatralidades expandidas / Chair on Expanded Theatricalities, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
30 September 2023: Roundtable Tensión permanente, with Tim Etchells, Giulia Paladini, Adrian Heathfield, Juan Domínguez. Chaired by José A. Sánchez, Cátedra Teatralidades expandidas / Chair on Expanded Theatricalities, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
20 July 2023: Lecture: Sei proposte per il prossimo presente: sulla consistenza dei corpi e del tempo nelle arti vive, Chiostro di San Domenico, Scuola Cònia / Societas Raffaello Sanzio, Cesena, Italy.
13 June 2023: Post-show conversation with artist Lukas Avendaño, Holland Festival, Amsterdam, Holland.
14 May 2023: Performance and Book launch Things That Go Through Your Mind When Falling: The Work of Forced Entertainment (with Tim Etchells, Terry O’Connor, Cathy Naden and Adrian Heathfield), Off print book fair, London, Tate Modern.
11 March 2023: Live performance “A text is a pure image”, Giulia Palladini and Agnes Brekke, in the exhibition Mapa Teatro. Laboratorio de la imaginación social, 40 años (curated by Carolina Ponce de León), Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia, Bogotá, Colombia
March 3 2023: Lecture ‘Politica de la replica y del montaje in Mapa Teatro’, in the exhibition Mapa Teatro. Laboratorio de la imaginación social, 40 años (curated by Carolina Ponce de León), Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Presente e futuro/ Testi (in stampa)
Listening to the museum, hearing the mine: Mapa Teatro’s live réplica to modernity, in Staging Difficult Pasts: Transnational Memory, Theatres and Museums, edited by Maria Delgado, Michal Kobialka and Bryce Lease, London: Routledge, 2024, Venezia: Bruno (in press).
Giulia Palladini and Valeria Graziano, We in the plural. Performance gestures of antifascism, in What Can Theatre Do, edited by Silvia Bottiroli and Miguel Melgares (in press).
Giulia Palladini and Agnes Brekke, A text is a pure image. Correspondence around Mapa Teatro, ​​in ‘Hear Tell: On Narrative, Description and Report’, special issue of Contemporary Theatre Review, edited by Johanna Linsley and Georgina Guy (in print).
The Showwoman’s Carriage, Afterword to Obsessions of a Showwoman. Marisa Carnesky, Spectacular Performances, Extraordinary Collaborations, edited by Eirini Kartsaki. Bristol: Intellect Books (in press).